Manifesto Market: Berlin’s Declaration of Delish

Potsdamer Platz, formerly no man's land, has been transformed into a thriving hub for everyone; and Manifesto Market is where you'll find Berlin's tribe of food lovin' locals who dig a zen vibe with a poppin' backbeat.

Curiosity might have killed some poor cat eons ago, but it's also the fuel that leads us into epic, happening hubs that guide-book-bound tourists rarely discover.

Taking an alternate return path to our hotel, we weaved through the business district's lanes, plazas and courtyards until we stepped into the snazzy new Potsdamer Platz, "The Playce", where we discovered Manifesto.

An Aladdin's cave of cool; pumping out tunes, a dynamic and spacious interior fit out within which a village of relaxed and content locals were catching up over an array of colours, flavours and aromas from a selection of global providores.

After a heavy day of walking and eating dirty carbs, we agreed it was time to dive into a bowl of nourishment. Fat Monk won us over with their Salmon Wasabi poke bowl, and we felt ourselves coming back to life with each scrumptious mouthful.

When travelling, we rarely visit a place twice. But, being close to our hotel, the Scandic Potsdamer Platz, and also being so damn fine, we popped back in the next night and slurped up bowls of ramen from Daruma Ramen. I swear, their miso broth has healing powers for the tired and weary.

If we lived here, the Manifesto Market would be my "Cheers" bar space; and my reliable resting place would be a cushion upon the massive, multi-purpose stairwell. #lifegoals #mynewlocalifIwasalocal

For a fly through of Manifesto, visit Dusty Cowgirl Discoveries on Instagram.

Manifesto Market:

Alte Potsdamer Str. 7; 10785 Berlin

(Inside “The Playce” @ Potzdamer Platz)

Photo credit: @Manifesto Market (I was too hungry, so my pic was bodge).


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