Embracing Hygge within Hotel Flora, Gothenburg.

Hygge, a Nordic sentiment, encourages little, intentional moments of comfort, cosiness, togetherness and calm. We loved the sound of it but didn’t know if we should search for it or create it until we stepped into Hotel Flora and found it waiting for us.

We’d reached the mid-way point of our European adventure. It was also the Easter holiday, so we wanted to be in a beautiful city that we could walk around and explore, unaffected by public holiday restrictions. We also wanted to stay in a hotel that felt like a holiday within itself, a little Easter treat. Gothenburg and Hotel Flora delivered on both.

My immediate impression of Hotel Flora was that of an old Hollywood-era jazz lounge. If it weren’t a no-smoking hotel, I’d expect to find Greta Garbo lounging back, smoking a pipe while listening to the riffing of friends and musicians.

Funky and inviting furnishings with cheeky pops of pastel and ‘you know you want to touch me’ textures melded into a rich, vintage palette of deep reds, tonal variations of grey and a bold floral mural.

It was refreshing to see that the showcase aesthetic of the public spaces was carried through to our room. Our large double room was spacious and cleverly segmented using an ornate rug and sheer red curtains (ideas worth taking home). This level of consistency from public to private spaces sets the tone for the integrity of a hotel’s design and congruency of service.

Speaking of service. No matter who we spoke with or passed by, every member of the Hotel Flora team was genuinely engaged and friendly. One team member was particularly helpful when I requested assistance navigating the transport to reach and get around the Archipelago. When one suggested route didn’t suit us, she proactively searched out others. Her efforts were greatly appreciated.

The breakfast buffet ticked all my boxes. The hots, colds, proteins, zest, and carbs were all on offer, with dietary options also considered.

Situated upon the canal and a short stroll to the historic and hip Haga district, we constantly found ourselves surrounded by the most glam Gothenburgers who gathered along the al-fresco cafe strip, sipping, nibbling and kicking hard-core hygge goals while soaking in the first rays of Spring sun.

Our holiday, thus far, has consisted of early exits to explore and then late returns to our hotel. However, once we discovered Hotel Flora, we shifted gears and left the hotel later to explore, then returned mid-arvo for a rest before heading out again for a short leg stretch before snuggling down for the evening.

Hotel Flora is a destination within a destination. It encouraged us to slow down, enjoy the space we were in, and harness the hygge within all of us.




Porridge all day, every day? It’s possible at GRØD, Copenhagen.