Porridge all day, every day? It’s possible at GRØD, Copenhagen.

If my love of porridge is anything to go by, I must have been Goldilocks in a previous life. If only GRØD had been around back then, I need not have risked the wrath of three hungry bears.

Porridge is hearty, nourishing, filling, versatile and super delish, no matter how you mix it.

I’ve always thought it a shame that it’s commonly deemed a breakfast-only food. The disappointment I feel when I discover a bowl of oaty bliss on a menu, only to realise it was locked away once morning gave way to afternoon, is all too real.

Enter GRØD, serving up porridge for breakfast, lunch, and dinner. I discovered them at the Torvehallerne Market, but had already eaten, so I vowed to hunt them down with the same fervour that Goldilocks devoured the little bear’s porridge.

A day later, we found a GRØD (there are nine throughout Denmark), amid the vibrant, culturally diverse and cosy streets of Nørrebro, on chilled-out and cosy Elmegade Street. A few locals sat outside in the cold, sipping on hot coffees or tucking into their bowls of comfort food. All they needed were blankies and slippers, and the picture of snuggly-bliss would be complete.

We sat down and dived into their menu. I surprised myself by choosing their Overnight Oats bowl. While I’d anticipated that I’d order a steaming hot bowl of oats, I couldn’t go past this option when I read the descriptor, even knowing that it would be served cold:

”Creamy overnight porridge made of rolled oats, apple juice, cinnamon, chia seeds and Icelandic yoghurt. Topped with GRØDs Granola, rhubarb compote, roasted coconut flakes, almond butter and fresh apples.”

I mean, come on. Who could bypass that? My wife could, apparently. She’s not a huge brekky-foods-fan, so she was relieved to see that GRØD served savoury options for the friends and family of porridge fiends. She opted for the Chicken Congee. I had a taste, then another. Then I went back for a third and fourth. Damn. It was just as hearty, with an oomph of umami that proved a worthy contender to my first love—speaking of which, back to my porridge.

While fully aware that I had ordered a cold porridge instead of the hot bowl I’d planned, it was still a mini mental hurdle to leap over once it was served. However, it only took a couple of spoonfuls before the taste of the blended ingredients won me over.

Rhubarb will always be welcome in any meal I devour. I might name my next dog Rhubarb; such is my affection, it’s predictably perfect. What surprised me, was the nutty brilliance of mixing almond butter, fresh apples and coconut flakes. I’ll press ‘replay’ on that combo; thank you very much.

I am determined to return to Copenhagen in the future, and when I do, I will plant myself within walking distance of a GRØD so I can drop in and explore their menu, day by day, at whatever hour I darn well want! Hallelujah!


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