Roast beef bliss @ Cafe Trold, Copenhagen

Danish legend states that if you want good luck, you should look out for a troll. If your version of good luck is a sensational meal after a long day, hunt down Copenhagen’s Cafe Trold.

After wandering the streets in search of a late dinner, we trundled our travel-weary bods into Cafe Trold and face-planted their roast beef.  

Used to Australian-style roast beef, we were expecting a couple of slices with gravy (most likely a little dry, as per our most recent experiences). What we received has ruined us for all other roasts.

Chunks of intensely rich, flavoursome beef fell apart like a brisket that had been laboured for hours. It didn’t need any gravy, but even that was insanely delectable.  

Then came the distinctly Danish touch - a serving of lingonberries, freshly grated horseradish and pickles. Berries and pickles with beef? I never knew I needed them, but now I know it’s the only way to go! Also, horseradish doesn’t have to be minced & mixed with other ingredients? The Danes eat it fresh? Woooow.  

With a hefty glass of Amber Ale each to ease us into a deeply relaxed state, we wrapped up our evening and headed back to our hotel, where we promptly passed out. 

Authentic and delish Danish food served with a smile in a cosy hangout for locals. You can’t get luckier than that. Tak (thanks) Cafe Trold!

Cafe Trold: Vesterbrogade 53 | 1620 Copenhagen V


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